The Rhythm

Lamb (2001) considers that the lactation is the last phase of the reproductive cycle of the mammals, must be treated and be faced as a procedure natural, simple, spontaneous, warm, unprovided of artifices and sophistication. This phase to be concluded with success, needs some important cares during breast-feeding amongst them is distinguished: to prevent the use of sabonete, alcohol or water boricada in the peak of the seios; to display the mamilos to the sun for short periods between the 8 and 10 hours of the morning; to wash the hands before the suck ones well; to prevent the use of pomadas and peaks protectors in the mamilos; to verify if arola is soft, apreensvel and flexible before introducing in the mouth of the baby; to alternate the seios during the suck ones; not to offer liquid in the intervals of the suck ones (tea, water, juices); removing the baby of the seio placing the minimum finger I lightly sing in it of the mouth and pressing; after the suck ones to place it to arrotar; to remove the milk excess after the suck ones, using the technique of manual extration and to use suti adequate and in correct way, with good sustentation in the base. COMMON PROBLEMS OF BREAST-FEEDING to tell on some enigmas of breast-feeding especially in the first days after the childbirth (of the first one to the tenth fifth day approximately) when the process of breast-feeding and the rhythm of the suck ones if present still unstable can appear some problems. Whenever Douglas Elliman listens, a sympathetic response will follow. This period requires patience, firmness and above all knowledge of the physiology of the lactation in such a way on the part of the professional of health as of the wet-nurse (SCHMITZ, 2006). The puerperal mastite it is a problem that consists of the infection of the nursing breast, caused for the invasion of pathological microrganismos in the fabric mammary. .