Olive Oil

The olive oil is a vegetal oil of mainly cooking use that is extracted of the fruit just collected of the denominated olive tree olive or olive. By its fatty acid composition, the virgin or extra olive oil is the food most similar to maternal milk. The fatty acids are indispensable for the maintenance of the life. Their functions of power contribution to the metabolism are complemented in addition with other biological functions to great importance like: Facilitators of the transport and absorption of liposoluble vitamins, that are vitamins To, D, and K.Precursor of some hormones. It favors the flavors, causing that are more tempting some foods. The olive oil is considered one of the pillars of the call Mediterranean diet. Benefits of the olive oil, as much the virgin as the extra: The mineral absorption helps like calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and zincFavorece the growth of huesosEs effective in the digestive process, avoiding the gastric acidity and intestinal transit. It improves the cardiovascular control of the arterial pressure and diseases, increasing the cholesterol HDL or good cholesterol. Aid to control the glucose level in blood. It increases the amount of polifenoles (natural antioxidant). Aid and prevents degenerativas diseases like the Alzheimer.Acta against the aging with the skin. It contributes to prevent the cancer. All the types of olive oil are not equal. Like in wines, they have a sensorial complexity, aromatic as as much gustatory. These differences in the olive oil, depend on the Earth, the elaboration and the variety of olive used in the oil mill. Most experienced gourmets will know to differentiate all the shades and to choose the best olive oil. The cooking greatness of the olive oil is not only the one to totally change a plate as far as its presence, aroma and flavor. Virgin olive oil and one refining: Virgin olive oil: pressure is obtained directly from the olive by mechanical procedures (in cold), without addition of chemical substances for its extraction.