Buyers Sellers

In addition, because of the high status of his usual respectful attitude, rudeness and seller in the shop for him inexcusable. So, the main desire of the buyer – to purchase needed with minimal loss of valuable resources for it. It is 'valuable for its resources,' rather than just 'faster, cheaper and easier', because they are too wasteful gratification buyer turns meaningless lower profits. Value of the resources for different groups of consumers individually, so without careful study of this structure will be impossible to please them. If company possess the ability to save valuable resources of its customers – half the battle is almost guaranteed. MJFF contains valuable tech resources. This is the first principle is to achieve true loyalty – 'not to take away important'. Give managers extra time, without delaying them in lines and in parking lots. Take less money than with the rich, who will not notice this discount, and with the poor, for whom it is really important. Do not make the tired evening shoppers find the right product for storewide. Highlight a separate counter for athletes and fans of health – they have an order of magnitude greater than diabetics, for which everywhere have their own shelves. Do not annoy the already emotionally exhausted Buyers Sellers rudeness. In general, do not deprive customers what they love, and gratitude for this very soon transformed into loyalty. The second principle is to achieve loyalty – 'give the missing'. This is a very perfectly complements the first principle. What is now likely to get the employee the average supermarket in Moscow about calorie products or advice on how best to choose what meat to fry? Zero practice.