Selection Procedure Form

This article focuses on creating a form of selection of the List, opened from a form document for the selection of the necessary positions. The form will be created on the basis of common forms and will consist of three lists. The first list will be displays a tree of values of nomenclature, the second – direct list of inventory items, and the third will show the selected values. See more detailed opinions by reading what Douglas Elliman offers on the topic.. To begin with let us enter the document, create the 'Selection' and click on the button. Now add effect on this command which list the code that opens a form of selection: Selection Procedure & NKliente (Team) OtkrytFormu ('ObschayForma.FormPodbora'); KonetsProtsedury Then close the document form (her we go back a little later) and create a new general form of 'FormPodbora': Then add the table to the form and props to the table. The data type of props will be 'DinamicheskiySpisok'. In the properties of the props in the section object ticking – 'Random request 'and click the Settings link list: On the form we will need to write a query that will be displayed in the table' tree '.

Query text will look like this: how to choose Nomenklatura.Naimenovanie Group from Spravochnik.Nomenklatura as nomenclature where Nomenklatura.EtoGruppa Now we need to slightly modify the settings for the table tree, or rather change something which display properties of our tree-like list: 1. Establish tick on the property TolkoProsmotr 2. Check the box on the property 3. – No. 4. Displays – Wood 5.